Why The Hard Work Only Begins After You’ve Finished Writing Your Novel… A.K.A Launch Day!

It’s here. Launch day for my sequel, REFLASH! I’ve done this all before, so it should be a stroll in the park? Right?

WRONG! I have stubbornly learned nothing. I’m going into launch day grossly under prepared as usual. Why haven’t I learned from the last experience? Because I would rather be writing than marketing. That one small fact will always hold back my indie authorship aspirations.

So, what have I gathered from my sleepless night, where I tossed and turned about what I should and shouldn’t have done?
A) I ask too many questions in my blog posts when I’m tired. I’m sorry.

B) I do not utilize social media nearly as much as I should. Twitter, FB, Pinterest, Tumblr, Instagram.

C) I do not guilt trip my facebook friends into sharing my posts nearly enough. So, I’m gonna take that slice of friendship bread, and slather a thick helping of guilt on that baby.

D) Sleep more, obviously.

E) I have to interact more in the writing world, in fantasy and fiction message boards and blogs. Find out what the hell tumblr is. I need to get my name out there! Write guest blog posts, free articles. So hey, if you want to hang out and shoot the breeze, send me a comment.

There are multitudes of lists on blogs and websites, with a thousand things you should do to market your book successfully. But they all say the basically the same thing. Know your audience, know yourself, make yourself known where your target audience hang out and write a sequel. Looks like I’m going to spend a lot of time glued to my computer!

I’ll see you around the salt mines,

M x